Optimising Your Business Sales Process
How well you can move prospects through your sales process and into paying customers is a key driver in growing your business.
Optimising the sales process of your business is perhaps the most important component to achieving long-term growth for your business. While there are a number of components outside of your specific sales process that will influence your actual sales levels – the relevance and quality of your specific product or service being two – the sales process itself can go a long way to ensuring sustained success for your business.

Understanding your specific sales process
The exact sales process for your business is likely to be unique to you, or at least to your industry. That said, there are some key components that all sales processes should include at least:
A clearly defined number of steps/stages. What are the specific stages you’ll take a customer through before getting to a sale?
Clear questions to ask prospects to rule them in or out as customers you’re ideally suited to serve.
Measurable outcomes/deliverables to be achieved at each stage of the sales process.
Clear conversion and sales targets for each salesperson.
How well are your sales team trained?
You might be amazed at how little training some salespeople receive about the products and services they sell. General rule of thumb; the more complicated the product or service, the more training is required. Aks yourself:
Do you have a defined approach to training your sales team?
What resources are your sales team provided with to improve their knowledge and performance?
What measures do you have in place to give your salespeople ongoing feedback?

Effectively managing your sales team
Many businesses believe that salespeople will just manage themselves. While that may be true of a few, the majority need and want some clear direction. Are you helping your sales team with the following:
Clear and realistic targets.
Support in identifying ideal sales opportunities.
Data around conversion metrics which they can learn and refine from.
A strong sales message that helps them present a point of difference.
We can help your business grow.
For most businesses, there exists an opportunity to significantly improve the delivery of their sales process. In doing so, businesses can grow without additional spending on advertising. We work with our clients to help them optimise their sales team and sales processes. If you’d like to know more about our sales services, arrange a free, no obligation chat.