Attracting More Customer Referrals
Most business owners know positive word-of-mouth is the cheapest way to grow their business, yet only a few have a specific customer referral program in place.
It’s often said that the cheapest form of advertising is positive word-of-mouth and it’s true. Why then do so few businesses actively encourage referrals from their happiest customers? In our experience, the answer lies typically in how to go about asking for referrals without feeling like you’re imposing on your customers, after all, it can be difficult to ask for a favour if you’re not sure if your customers would be happy to do so.

Gaining word-of-mouth support from the right people
The biggest issue in gaining referrals for most businesses stems from not understanding which of their customers are happiest with what they provide. This is where customer satisfaction surveys are so important to the referral process. First, they help you know who to talk to about referrals, and secondly, they ensure that you’re more likely to get the referral outcome you’re hoping for.
Asking for referrals from your customers
There are many ways you can ask your customers for referrals, or to encourage them to spread some positive word-of-mouth about your business. It’s important to find a solution that’s authentic to your business and the type of customers you want to attract. For some businesses, offering incentives might be disrespectful to their customers, while for others is might be very much appreciated. The key is to find a way to politely request a referral at a time when your customer has expressed their satisfaction with your product or service.
We can help your business grow.
Finding the right way to encourage referrals from your valued customers can be difficult – especially without an external perspective. That’s where we can help. If you’d like to know more, arrange a free, no obligation chat.