Customer Research – a.k.a. Your Business Reputation
Growing your business means growing your business reputation. At the point that your ideal customer researches you, what does your business reputation say about you?
When it comes to growing the reputation of your business, it’s important to think about all the ways your ideal customer can gather information about you. Some of these areas, you will have complete control over, such as advertising or your website content. Others, you’ll have only a small influence over, like online reviews or conversations customers have with friends or colleagues about you.

Your business position should be your business reputation
The more you are clear about the focus of your business (your position), the more you can define the expectations your customers. Ultimately, the resulting outcome is that you attract customers who appreciate the unique approach and benefits your business provides and who are the most likely to speak well of you to others, either in online forums or in conversations. The clearer you are about what truly makes you unique, the more likely your customers are to express the same sentiment and the more likely you’ll grow your business reputation. It means, your business can growth through positive word-of-mouth.
Determine what you want ideal customers know about your business
It’s not enough for your audience to know you exist. They need to know why they should choose you. So in addition to being found in the right place, you’ll also need to be clear about the right message to share with them. What do key message do your audience need to know in order to want to find out more about you?

Know where to share your story
To drive greater awareness of your brand, it pays to think about the places your ideal customers might be inclined to look for information on your industry. Will they find you there? In days gone by, you had to be in the yellow pages, today, you need to be found on Google, whether through your website via SEO and search advertising or, maps, listings and reviews via channels like Google Maps and Google My Business.
We can help your business grow.
At SME Growth, we help our clients present their business consistently across all channels – helping them attract the right customers for sustainable, profitable growth. If you’d like to know more about our approach, arrange a free, no obligation chat.